Anonymous Mode
We would like to make you aware of ‘Anonymous Mode’, our first-of-kind and award-winning technology that gives you the option to access the app without your name, email address and technical identifiers being associated with your health data. This means nobody, not even Flo, can identify you. If Flo were to receive an official request, Anonymous Mode would prevent us from being able to connect the data to you and we would be unable to satisfy the request.
Anonymous Mode is available to all of our users regardless of your subscription status. To activate the mode, go to “Settings” tap your profile picture and then “Switch to Anonymous Mode”.
You can delete your account via the app by following these simple steps:
- Select the Menu or your avatar
- Scroll down
- Select privacy settings
- Click delete my account.
If you’re having difficulties deactivating your account, please submit a request here to our Support team.
By deleting your account with Flo, your consent is automatically withdrawn, and we will no longer process your personal data. The process of deleting your account is irreversible. If you would like a copy of your data before deleting your account, please submit a request here to our Support team.
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